

Are you a lightworker, starseed, or healer who is ready for further higher self embodiment?

I am here to help you integrate aspects of your Higher Self or Oversoul who are ready to merge with you and/or work more intimately with you. These soul aspects have been or are currently in roles of Divine Service, and they bring with them knowledge and gifts for you to integrate into this lifetime. Clients have integrated soul aspects from other lifetimes as shamans, priestesses, angelics, galactics, and more.

I have experienced this process myself and it is what has enabled me to do this work.

This process does not happen in one sitting but happens over time, and it is facilitated by activation of the light body and DNA.

Multidimensional Soul Integration sessions activate this process.

Sacred Keys complement this work.

My workshops and courses hold you more completely in your personal process as you open to the profound healing capacity of light language and the practice of Celestial Shamanism.

You may have work to do here that you would never imagine.

And you may have knowledge, gifts, and more waiting to be reclaimed.

Now is the time.


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